Office Romance

Monday morning You’re still yawning Waiting for the news. Another week Of hide and seek Heading off the blues. The boss is late Isn’t that great? Maybe there’s still hope. The sec’ in reception Is painting her complexion, Perhaps she’ll agree to elope. —————- Tuesday barely counts It jumps right in quite unannounced Like a hangover when you swear you didn’t drink. Your projects really overdue. The client say they’ll surely sue It seems career wise you’re speed sailing down the sink. The secretary smiles As she hands you twenty files And you wonder if to ask her for a date. But when you’ve time to glance her way, She’s already read work for the day. For now it seems you’ve left it far too late.
On Wednesday you bring flowers But the commute to work takes hours And the bouquet you bought has died a natural death. You sneak past without a greeting Pretend you rush of to a meeting But soon return back to your desk quite out of breath It’s time to think again ‘Cause you have clearly gone insane Maybe you can take her for a drink.
But the boss has other plans He needs to fly out to Japan
And requires you stay around for half the night.
You see her leaving with some guy
A cross between Tom Cruise and Popeye
If only he’d told his boss to go fly a kite.
Thursdays should be banned
You had your whole procedure planned
There is no way it could go wrong, you cannot fail.
You’ll ask her out on a first date It’s time you got your intentions straight.
Maybe try to send them off in an email.
No go on – be a man.
Attack the mission – of course you can
If it’s heaven you want then act ,or go to hell.
So off to reception do you rush
Quite prepared to go get crushed
Only to hear she stayed at home, not feeling well.
Friday is the best.
Among all days it beats the rest
The weekend is shining through the sea of mist.
The boss is stuck in the Far East
In truth, you couldn’t care the least
Your girl is back at work, oh perfect bliss.
Your confidence is high
Thanks to five Red Bulls and a cream pie
And the vodka you smuggled in, in your coffee flask.
You pop the question to her outright,
“Will you come out with me tonight?”
TO which she answers; “Oh I thought you’d never ask.”